Tear drop
Past 7am and i'm sitting feeling hazy and numb. Unable to formulate. Recovering from last nights journey of bass and the aftermath.Slept over at Joey's just to kill time waiting for the come down.The peaking wasn't as imagined.something different,less impressive.oh well. I still had fun with the friends. plus it was Faizal's last stay.See you in June mate!
I must say certain things will always work out fine for others, or their just in luck. Some others just get the heavyload of stress due to inconvinience. Whatever it is,when someone says so of something,ensuring us it must be done.The last thing i want to hear are petty excuses.Inconvinience can really tick me off, yes i'm not known to be considered a patient person. I loathe the idea of waiting, plus it just tires me out even so spoils the moment.Good things come to those who wait? Not clearly in my state of mind, patient has its limits,just before it gets to me.
Especially when it gets in the way of other important duties i must attend to. I need to be in a place where i can have my own space.where i can feel settled. More in place. and in charge. What i am trying to say is..i need to be where im finally contented,my own crib..its fucking taking too long..extention after the other.Been a nomad since February.Life is an adventure,experiencing a life as a nomad was indeed an adventure..( thx heaps to my friends for letting me tumpang muahhh!)..But enough is enough! Its halfway through the midterm. 2 more weeks to go til i can finally move in to lavish Milano apartment.:)
Never would have thought i'd put myself in a wreck after what it had caused me to feel.Nothing but pain. It was a wreck at first. like a room scattered around with layers of clothes and rubbish in clutters.barely able to breath,or live in it felt like your the one in a mess you know. I don;t know how it can be done,but to just play it by ear. The intense, the rush building up, the instinctive fear of emotions ,all it does is make me tremble. Honestly, what i need is my security blanket. So distance now,isn't an issue anymore but a phase i would just need to overhaul .where is he when i need him? ~ what is taking us so long when were just at each others side~
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